5.1.6. IP Inversion

IP inversion is carried out in two parts. First, we must use the code ipsens3d_55.exe to construct the sensitivity matrix for the linearized IP problem. Then we use ipinv3d_55.exe to invert the IP data. Because this is a simple example with no noise, we assigned a uncertainties of 0.0005 V/V to all IP data. In practice, data are noisy and choosing appropriate uncertainties is very important for successful inversion. Sensitivity Matrix

Here, the code ipsens3d_55.exe and the input file ip_sens.inp (see format) are used to approximate the sensitivity matrix for the linearized IP problem. Files relevant to this part of the example are in the sub-folder ip_sens . Before running this example, you may want to do the following:

To compute the sensitivity matrix, the following input file was used:

../../_images/create_ip_sens_input.png IP Inversion

Here we use the code ipinv3d_55.exe to recover a chargeability model. Before running this example, you may want to do the following:

Files relevant to this part of the example are in the sub-folder ip_inv. To invert the synthetic data, the input file below (ip_inv.inp) was used. For formatting, see format :


The true model (left) and the final recovered model (right) are shown below.
